Atul Khatri In The Town For Kicks And For Laughs And For Giggles!

A smart city exhibits its greatest resources and smart people display their smartness by staying in good mood. So, if lately you have been occupied by thrashings from bosses or delayed payments from clients or some nagging MIL (vice versa) (wink !!) Get a chill pill as the city is witnessing the CEO-turned-comedian, Atul Khatri to get your nerves a high jinx.
About The Event
Stand up comedy is a comic style where you can expect to receive humorous stories, jokes and one-liners typically called a monologue, routine, or act. Die laughing and enjoy a refreshing moment of laughter, fun, and frolic.
About Punchliners
Punchliners is a promising emerging player that aims to revolutionize the meaning of stand-up comedy in India.To this start-up comedy platform, laughter is the one product people crave but don’t know they seriously lack in life. That’s why the Punchliners are trying to raise awareness and create demand for comedy in India.
About The Artist- Atul Khatri
Atul would simply make your daily botherations into sheer comedy. He commits to his jokes and believes “Situations in life choose me, and the life experiences that come out of them force me to choose my jokes.”
Date: 19th August 2017, Saturday
Venue: The Pavilion Mall, Ludhiana
Time: 7:00 PM
Duration: One hour
Tickets: Insider
Terms and conditions
• Age limit: 16+.
• Smart Casuals Only.
• All Club and Gate Rules apply.
• Seating is on first come first serve basis.
• Programme Schedule is subject to change/cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances.
• Event is subject to force majeure clause.
• No refund would be initiated under any circumstances whatsoever.
• Internet handling fee per ticket may be levied. Please check your total amount before payment.
• Tickets once booked cannot be exchanged or refunded.
• We recommend that you arrive at least 20 minutes prior at the venue to pick up your physical tickets.
Loose your balance, gasp for breath, collapse or fall off chair… Laughter is definitely the best medicine!