Go Green With Parkash Compost! Let The Worms Eat Your Kitchen Waste

Did you just leave the banana peel on the kitchen top? Whenever a guest comes over and demands you to peel the skin of the apple (irritating right…) Ask me, the most nutritious part of the apple is its skin itself. And, with a heavy heart, unwillingly, I peel off the skin and ultimately trash it in the bin.
Being an environmental science student, I was mindful of the vermicompost and its benefits. But little did I know, that people are actually reaping fruits from this technique in their daily life.

While passing by the busy markets of sector 20, Chandigarh, you come across these colorful tall pots that instantly catch your attention. Hold on… Are you taking these pots lightly…? I’m afraid you are… Therefore, allow me to correct your impressions and introduce you to the Portable Vermicompost Pots and Portable Biogas Plants.
Before moving ahead, let me brief you what Vermicompost is…
Vermicompost is a technique wherein you employ earthworms to decompose your kitchen waste (Like peels, vegetable scrapings, etc…) and produce a nutrient-rich manure known as worm castings. The worm castings are enriched with nutrients which in turn are useful to gardeners.
These composters are already operational in various reputed hotels and restaurants in and around Chandigarh. To name a few, The Taj, James Plaza and Shivalik have installed these with a motive to Go Green and Healthy!

These worms (preferably red ones) eat the kitchen waste, decompose it (In simple words, break down complex structures into simple ones) and produce a residue that is plentiful in nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, etc. These castings can be used for gardening purposes, thereby aiding in the plant growth. Isn’t that a lovely way to help Mother Nature.
Small Vermicompost
Can you see the small outward holes with beautiful plantations adorning this tall structure? Don’t be mistaken by its look but yes, do concentrate on what I’m about to tell you.

Did you just peel that orange or skin of the apple? Yes? Then put these peels at the top. Yes… yes… You read that right… Simply empty these peels or other leftover scrapings in this tall pot and let the magic begin.
The earthworms will eat the food given by you and the castings will be collected at the rear. From the bottom, collect these castings and put forth them in your pots where you wish to grow plants or attempt gardening.

Also, the structures come handy with the option of planting the flora or fauna inside the hollows. Hey! Are you aware that you are about to start your home farm? Really… Yes, and this calls for a celebration. After all, this will be your Organic farm. Though on a small scale, but you’ll feel a glow of happiness once you visualize its making.

Place the structure anywhere in your house. This will not only decorate that particular corner of the house but also make you feel confident since you’ll be contributing towards a greener and healthy surroundings.
Few Do’s and Don’t’s
*Put away (only 3Kg/day) the peel/kitchen waste chopped from the top.
*Once filled, start collecting the compost from the bottom end.
*To promote plant growth, rotate the composter at least once a week.
*Make sure the Top and Bottom Cap are tightly closed (To avoid any nasty smell) and are theorized to be opened only during the addition of waste or during compost collection.
*Partially fill the plant pocket with compost so as to let the water to seep down.
*Refrain from adding lemon, oil, onion, salt and tomato waste as it can harm the vermiculture.
*Keep in a shady area where access to Sunlight is less.
Get them at- Parkash Compost
Address- SCF-14, Sector 20-C, Chandigarh
Contact- 9316133359
*Do visit the stall at the Rose Festival from 23rd Feb to 25th Feb.
Be a Waste Disposal Master and contribute towards a greener and healthy environment.