Facts About The Government Museum And Art Gallery Chandigarh

With a rich collection of artifacts, The Government Museum and Art Gallery Chandigarh is your go-to place if you happen to be an ardent admirer of historical masterpieces. Designed by Le Corbusier, as were a majority of other monuments in the city, the museum implements, and houses some of Le Corbusier's primeval plans while deciding on how exactly the city would look.

A place that serves as a retreat for the entire family, it even caters to the imagination and interests of children through sections such as the Evolution Section, which has a lot of cool stuff about dinosaurs. Since a lot of people are fascinated by these creatures, hanging around in that area and reading about a species that inhabited the planet so many centuries ago is really a treat in itself.

There will be several times the gallery will intrigue you. Take the highly visited history section of the place. It seems fairly mundane and ordinary, but once you look past the bareness it seems to be at first, you'll realize how much it really signifies. Whatever our city stands for, the grounds our very state was built on, and the roots that go back centuries, all these are not only explained but, felt and understood in the Gallery and Museum.

All of a sudden, it isn't the love for history or a mere pastime that's got you rooted to the place. It's that feeling this place radiates so well, that you find yourself immersed in this feeling of cultural heritage that absolutely refuses to let go. Pre and post-independence events, partition, politics in India, sociology, town planning, and the freedom struggle; all events have been encapsulated in such a mesmerizing manner that the historical section is truly a spectacle to behold.

Other than inspiring people living in close proximity, the place had a couple of other tricks up its sleeve. Considering the fact that the authorities had very little source to make the most of it, quite a bit of the space has been devoted majorly to stone artifacts. A combination of three museums, it comes off as an amalgamation of architecture, science, and arts.

Apart from enjoying the wide range of plans that were originally planned for the state, of which some failed to make the final cut, the place has a great collection of paintings that are very soothing to view. Another reason to visit a place you probably should have been a long while ago. Though its layout seems sophisticated to some, many have complained about a weird structure being in place. This doesn't seem to hinder the inflow of visitors in the place, since there after overlooking these minor problems, you'll be able to spend a fruitful day with family, which is what matters at the end of the day.

In the end, all one can say about this well-maintained museum is that it's easily accessible, has commendable architecture, as well as a guide willing to tour you around a place so culturally diverse you might get lost in it.

Excited now? If yes, go to the place and enjoy a wonderful day in the close company of family and friends!