Perfect Reasons Why You Should Have The Most Happening New Year's Eve At The Brew Estate

After marking up a great Christmas celebration, it's that time of the year again when we are all set to welcome the New Year in the most stylish way ever.
In the wake of beginning the journey of a 365-days ride with a huge and happening jollification, finding a perfect place, that can offer us the deadly combination of drinks and food along with the ambiance worth dying for, becomes a difficult task. Isn't it?

Well, if you just nodded your head to this, then I must tell you that to spend the New Year's Eve in the most impressive way and to have the time of your life on the longest night of the year, there could be no better place than the trippiest and largest microbrewery in Tricity, The Brew Estate.
Celebrate At Lord Of Breweries - The Brew Estate
How about a chilled beer mug in a hand and a kebab in another? Or say, how about freshly brewed beer served in chilled weather and a sizzling plate of kebabs? Or let's put it in a perfect way - how about a large mug of Malty Craft Beer in hand with the scrumptious delicacies?

Would you dare to miss it? I am sure you probably won't!
Ergo, for all Chandigarh De veers, te Veers Ohna Di Heers and all Punjabis, time to have a beer-static New Year with the brewery that has not only stomped its foot in Tricity but in places like Shimla, Patiala, Panchkula, and Sangrur and many more to come.
Sounds beer-i-licious to the beer mongers, right!

The amazing gesture of this brewery, the electrifying pub ambiance, the modern bar flair, the amazing variety of freshly brewed beer and classic cocktails = Perfect NYE 2019!
Never-ending Cheer This New Year
The Brew Estate rolls up the carpet for glitz and gloss New Year affair and tempts all Beer Enthusiasts and Gourmands to chill with their beau and squad at their own brewery.

To all beer mongers, get ready to gear up and quench your thirsty souls as Brew Estate brings up an interesting list of concoctions especially for the New Year's night.
Mind it... Grab your places soon as waiting over here could cost your happy times!

Note: There are no as such entry charges or passes available to get into the place.
Wow! That's wonderful as without even breaking your banks, you could relish a drool-worthy New Year night. *wink*
Enjoy The Brewed Beers At Wherever You Are!
Isn't it brew-ti-ful that to experience a heavenly state, you just don't have to be in Chandigarh only! Now with Brew Estate spreading its beery wings in other cities, one could experience the bang on 31st eve even while being in Shimla, Patiala, Sangrur, Panchkula!

So, move anywhere and the brewery will travel along with you to give you your taste!
Oh-my-God! I guess you couldn't ask for more after all this. Can you?
A Rocking DJ Console & Live Unplugged Sessions
The filament bulbs, modern architecture and add to that the rocking DJ console who ensures to play the best of the best numbers on board and let you groove on the tunes for the entire evening. Well, this is what the USP of Brew State speaks for!

The live unplugged sessions conducted by some talented artists along with the trippy dance-like beats and the pub-like ambiance is sure to be the icing on the cake for your last night of 2018.
The unparalleled hospitality and impeccable service of aww-so-affectionate attendants are sure to give you an awesome experience here in the Brew Estate
Bottoms Up With Germany + Belgium Booze & Exotic Cuisine
Well, as nothing is interesting without Khaana-Shaana and main mudda - drinks! The Brew Estate offers a large spectrum of drinks - from freshly crafted and brewed beers to Molecular cocktails framed with Premium Spirits and dry ice.

The latest brands that Brew Estate has added to its Beer menu includes:
1. Winter Ale with Ginger flavor - Spicy aroma with the tint of Ginger.
This drink could be best paired with Chicken tikka, Roasted pork, fish and chips, and sweet and sour chicken.
2. Apple Hard Cider - The sweet aroma and flavor of apple fruit.
This drink can be sipped out with relishing chicken soups, salmon or pork.

3. Raspberry Hard Cider - The fragrance and flavor of juicy raspberry.
You could sip out this beverage while relishing cheesy pizzas and seafood like pork.

4. Brown Porter - Includes a mild roastiness with the added malt flavor.
Grilled steaks, burgers, pizzas and chicken make up the best combo with brown porter.

What about the food menu?
Well, to add to the complete charm, the Brew Estate have encompassed an all-savory menu that includes the exotic delicacies in various sublime cuisines that is sure to satiate cravings of all types including Pan-Sushi platters, Italino Pizzas, Peanut butter banoffee jars, and healthy salad options.

They have also concocted a classic retro theme that underlines the Indian culture and taste including Indian breakfasts, Tawa dal meals, Sandwiches and toasties in an authentic manner.

Not only this, but they have an extensive array of desserts that could win your hearts in a jiffy.

Party out folks at The Brew Estate as they fulfill the diverse needs and tastes with their substantial menu of cocktails, mocktails, and a three-course meal.
Get ready to have Zip-Zap-Zoom on New Year's Eve.
Head to Brew State,
Chandigarh: SCO 25, Madhya Marg, Sector 26, Chandigarh
Panchkula: SCO 351, Sector 9, Panchkula
Patiala: Punjabi Bagh, Patiala, Punjab
Shimla: Near Christ Church The Ridge, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Come One, Come All at The Brew Estate and swirl 'n' twirl while being seated at your place.