Seize the power that lies within you
So often, we women have self-doubts and think we aren't worth much. We also ignore the incredible power that lies within us, the power to create, nurture and transform. So to incite the fire of self-worth and resurrect that gush of positivity, ShoutLo has curated a motivational stew from luminaries living and dead. These quotes will encourage you to seize life and sprint towards success. Read them and kindle that extraordinary spark!
All you need is the courage to stand for what you believe in.
Don’t be the little helpless woman.
Believe in yourself!
Have the confidence to test out your boundaries.
Love can move mountains.
Failure is the stepping stone to success.
Be that strong girl!
Be the best version of you.
You deserve better than being with someone who makes you feel awkward.
You have enormous power.
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
You surely have that ability.
Everyone has inside a piece of goodness.
Don’t allow others to decide about your life, but instead seize the power that lies within you.
Women are often portrayed as anonymous.
Sometimes your own eyes are not enough.
Don't dumb yourself down!
We do agree that mere quotes won’t change your life, but these quotes can help you change your perspective and your day.