A Masterpiece: Squaring The Blockchain Circle By Kunal Nandwani

“Beneath the froth lies the strength of blockchain to change the way we live, work, connect and transact, and that is attracting tech communities in Silicon Valley, London, and India.”
“As an investor, how can I find the blockchain unicorn?”
Seems interesting, but…
Don’t know how to interpret it – check
Don’t know how will it impact me? – check
Unaware of its potential or the detrimental impact - check
Newspapers give us a set of headlines that we tend to ignore but then there are those news articles as above which capture our attention and keeps us hooked to the matter discussed. Now there comes a point where we find ourselves grasping at straws trying to understand the topic but our awareness about the concept is so meager that neither can we participate in conversations nor can we take advantage of the new technology so discussed.

Blockchain the brainchild of a genius – the invention of the decade has created a disruption and is the concern for most major companies and investors. Thus there is a need to end dodging the queries and know more about Blockchain technology. And what if you get hands on a book that not only gives you a detailed explanation of where it all started but also about its future and consequences.
Yes, this is not impossible to imagine with the book written by Kunal Nandwani – Squaring the Blockchain Circle – pages that appropriately capture the real potential of the blockchain.

Mr. Kunal Nandwani, the Co-Founder and the CEO at u-Trade Solutions is a Start-up Entrepreneur with technology, financial markets, the blockchain, electronic trading and angel investing experience. He has done his MBA major in Finance from ESSAC and has formerly been a consultant in the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. He also has a website devoted to blogs on subjects such as blockchain, FinTech, Start-ups, and other social topics. A man of that stature, know-how, and feathers of success in his cap cannot go wrong with his interpretations and explanations about the intricacies of Blockchain. As the co-founder and CEO of uTrade and Hashcove, Kunal has been a part of the euphoria surrounding the blockchain technology, as well as a student of its superb prowess.

Squaring the Blockchain Circle by Kunal Nandwani is an incredible and intelligent piece of literature supported by real-life scenarios and experiences. Sources state that BlockChain’s potential will continue to spur public and private investment in the coming times and if you are the one who is seeking to reap benefits from it but however are unaware of its pros and cons, then this is the most appropriate book that will lead you to your desired outcomes.
The book has been divided into 3 parts, Part I of the book narrates the origin of the blockchain culminating in the ICO boom. The second discusses four specific aspects — decentralization, trust and truth, security and scalability. Part III exposes the fallacy of viewing every database as a nail for the blockchain hammer, debates the value embedded in tokens, their mispricing and susceptibility to fraud and finally highlights the blockchain as futuristic technology.

The simple and subtle art of narrating financial terminologies and beautifully bringing the twist to a mundane story has been mastered in this book. The ease with which you will start getting familiarized with the terms such as bitcoin, cryptocurrency and many more is beyond imagination and this is what makes the book a lot in demand even before its physical offline launch.
Is the blockchain revolutionary in scope? Will it all play out in line with the investment dollars? All this and a lot more are answered in the book Squaring the Blockchain Circle that exceptionally brings together learning and revelations about a technology that is the talk of the hour and that is here to stay for a longer time to bring a change in the way the economy functions.

This book proves to be a one-stop destination for technology enthusiasts who have the curiosity to learn what is trending and also for those who are keen to apply this technology in the practical workplace. It is a must-read for everyone – individuals, businesspeople, and governments alike.
The book is available on Kindle and as well as the Paperback on Amazon, therefore make sure you have your hands on the first copies.
Order your Paperback here: Squaring the Blockchain Circle Paperback
Read it on Kindle: Squaring the Blockchain Circle Kindle Edition