About the event
The 21st-century youth believes in working on their terms and principles and are readily ready to serve the mankind and bring about the dynamism in the market. Their minds are fully loaded with ideas, they have tools and equipment and they have decided on the monetary part as well. But what they all lack is proper guidance and execution.

You have an idea or a business plan. Okay, Great!
You have money (a little) to invest. Okay, Great! (Even if you don’t have then also it is okay!)
You have time to invest. Okay, Great!
So what done and dusted?? Naaahhh!
Breaking your back and still baffling as to how to execute and go about it?
Fret not! Because we at Shoutlo work diligently to lend the aspiring entrepreneurs a helping hand.

Grab that cup of joe since you are going to experience a life-changing event that will not only accentuate your workmanship but aid you on your entrepreneurship journey.
Chandigarh Angels Network (CAN) event- CANNABLE
The word CAN literally mean you have got all the capacity on this Earth to rule and make a difference. Therefore, moving along these lines CANNABLE as the name suggests CAN ENABLE and make you able enough to employ your vision into play.
You’ve got the vision and they have got the ability to envision your vision.
I can guarantee a smile on your face and to keep that curve eternal, go on reading …

Chandigarh Angels Network is a platform which will rectify all your undying doubts by acquainting you with the leaders and mentors who have already fought this battle. Who are ready to impart you with their knowledge and skills so that you don’t commit mistakes that they did.
They will guide you, mentor you, and sensitize you on finer details of entrepreneurship.
The Event
CANNABLE is for those who believe in themselves and are willing enough to go through thick and thin and mark their presence in the blossoming economy.
It focusses primarily on Startup Funding, Entrepreneurship, and Startups in Tricity.

It will feature inspiring keynote sessions by thought leaders, panel discussions, and real-time live pitch sessions and train your sights on your risk-taking capacity, your determination to survive in this ever-changing market, dexterity to charm the audience, ability to evolve and most importantly your patience and will to accomplish your goals.
In a nutshell, they help you start your Start-Up!
Event Details
Climb the Ladder: CANNABLE by Chandigarh Angels Network
Day, Date and Time: Saturday, 28th October 2017, 9.15 AM to 3 PM
Put your step forward at University Auditorium, Panjab University, Chandigarh
For more details, contact Anubhav @ 09878236034
Such opportunities usually don’t fall in one’s lap but now that it’s raining and calling, you ought to get going.
SURPRISE- Apply the Discount Code "cannable" to avail Special discount valid till 15th October 2017 for limited registrations only.
Cheers to Good times as CAN will crown you with success!
