
A FIAPO Workshop on "Working with Govt. Authorities"

Gradient Rectangle Mar
  • Starts On 03:00 PM
  • Kisan Bhawan, Sector-35 , Chandigarh

About the event

There is a need to engage the local authorities in order to help the NGOs in the struggle towards Animal Welfare especially Canine Population Management in the Tri-City Area. On Sunday, 25th March 2018, FIAPO is organizing a brief workshop in Chandigarh on ‘Working with Government Authorities’. Join us for this workshop and hear from the expert- Prashanth Acharya, about dealing with Government authorities in our attempt to create a better future for animals! The cost for the event is Rs. 499/- for Non-FIAPO members and Rs. 149/- for FIAPO members. You can Paytm us on this number- +919991100522

Venue:- Kisan Bhawan 
Timing:- 3 PM - 6 PM, Sunday


Kisan Bhawan


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