
Inspire 2018 - A Networking Opportunity By Agile Chandigarh

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  • Starts On 01-Jun-2018 09:00 AM
  • Ends On 02-Jun-2018 08:00 PM
  • Hometel, Industrial-Area-Phase-1 , Chandigarh

About the event

INSPIRE 2018 is the annual event of Agile Chandigarh, a volunteer-led not for profit community. 
The aim of this event is to:

  • Bring the domestic and international agile community together to exchange ideas in a welcoming, and fun environment
  • Provide a networking opportunity and increase the density of connections among the community, and
  • Inspire people to contribute to society and to promote fitness as “Motivation gets you going, Fitness gets you there".

DATE & TIMINGS: 1- 2nd June, 9 am onwards
VENUE: Hometel, Industrial Area Phase 1, Chandigarh




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