About the event
After the success of Treelionaire - a global drive to plant & adopt trees, Global Shapers's (World Economic Forum) Chandigarh chapter is organizing a mass tree plantation drive to plant 1000 saplings in Mohali, as part of WEF's South Asian project on 29th July, Sunday. The idea of the drive is to make an impact in tree plantation space & educating people/volunteers to arouse a conscientiousness around nature preservation.

Why Mohali?
While surveying for a location in the city, we were quite confident that we're not going to find any fallow land to plant trees because we live in city beautiful and its green. But to our team's surprise, we found a 6 KMs of a stretch where there were no trees at all due to the colonization of land. There need to be at least 5000-10000 trees to make that area green. We finally cut it down to planting 1000 trees for now so that we can also take care of the plants until they're fully grown. We're installing tree cages for all saplings and keeping two gardeners permanently employed to take care of the stretch.
All we need now if city's support in the form of volunteers & donations(funds) for Tree Cages because this is a continuous effort by Global Shapers. Param Kalra, a shaper from Chandigarh & Founder of Starthub Nation is leading this project along with his teammates from Global Shapers, Amanveer Singh, Pranjal Kapoor, Abhinav, Divyansh Gupta & others. Dr. Manu Mengi, an Orthopedic Surgeon from Mohali & an environmentalist is providing his support in terms of expertise to plant a sapling & arranging saplings from forest department.
Date: 29th July 2018, 7 am
Venue: 101-104, Mohali
Be a change maker and #BeATreelionaire.
