
Neon Mandala Art Workshop At Elante Chandigarh

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  • Starts On 11:00 AM
  • The Courtyard- Nexus Elante Mall, Industrial-Area-Phase-1 , Chandigarh
  • Artist/Performer Not Applicable

About the event

Mandala’ is a Sanskrit word that means “circle” representing the Universe or Completeness. The repetitive patterns found in nature everywhere are the very source of mandala patterns; in flowers, tree rings, the Sun, fruits and more. Mandalas are an ancient part of every culture, so there is no religious or cultural resistance to drawing them.

In these two hours of the guided session, you will learn concepts and techniques to draw and create your own Mandala with easy patterns and grids. Mandalas are abstract designs that start from a central focal point and emanate outwards, in a series of detailed shapes and patterns.

No prior knowledge of art required. NO CHARGES APPLY

Benefits: Creating a Mandala with patterns is an art relief known for its meditative and therapeutic effects. Mandala takes your mind off other things – a chance to relax; de-stress helps in hand-eye coordination and stimulates creative thought flow.


The Courtyard- Nexus Elante Mall


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