
Soch Local, Bann Global! Save The Dates For SOCH2017

Gradient RectangleNov
  • Starts On 17-Nov-2017 09:00 AM
  • Ends On 18-Nov-2017 06:00 PM
  • Shoutlo, Sector 5 MDC , Panchkula

About the event

With the theme ‘Evolution Eyes’, here comes SOCH. The media festival of and by the School of Communication Studies, Panjab University with its unique theme as “Soch local, Bann Global”, will enable you to ponder upon various issues in the media industry both locally and globally on the 17th and 18th of November, 2017. So, save the dates. 

panjab university event soch 2017

"Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder", said M.K. Gandhi. We all see this world through our eyes and we try to manipulate things and look at them in our own comfort and convenience. One thought that triggers change can bring about growth and even evolution in a static society. Individuals at high statures and with popular personalities are known see the world through their ‘Evolution Eyes’ and revolutionize the world according to what they envision. Media, acts as the eye of the people and that eye has undergone changes like from papers to touchscreens, newspapers to e-papers, Black and white to high definition, it was all about a thought to progress and how a ‘SOCH’ at local level can create situations and opportunities which impacted the globe, for the better. We believe, our youth has the same potential. So with this mind, we present our poster for SOCH 2017.!

panjab university event soch 2017

Join us for a series of fun competitions like Treasure Hunt, Photography Competition, Documentary competition Debate, RJ Hunt, Ad-Mad, Dance Competition, Fashion Show and a musical evening!

When: 17th & 18th November; 9:00 am onwards
Where: School of Communication Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh

#SOCH2017 #sochlocalbannglobal




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