
Rural Entrepreneurship & Innovation Convention & Exhibition

Gradient RectangleApr
  • Starts On 10-Apr-2018 10:00 AM
  • Ends On 11-Apr-2018 04:30 PM
  • Government Mohindra College Patiala, ,

About the event

Rural entrepreneurship is an emergent field of study and has emerged as one of the most noticeable ways to promote rural development. Nowadays, rural small businesses and entrepreneurs create their own solutions and new ideas for the challenges of the 21st century. Thus PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry, India’s leading Chamber of Commerce, has taken an initiative and is organizing Rural Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Convention & Exhibition to give a fillip to rural youth to foster entrepreneurship and innovation.

The event will be inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Punjab, Capt. Amarinder Singh

The aim of this convention is to explore entrepreneurship in the rural region, raise awareness of the role that these entrepreneurs play in the rural development and identify some strategic considerations towards the development of their work.

Rural innovators are capable of extraordinary inventions. Despite many constraints and severe cash crunch, most of them have succeeded in using technology cost-effectively to build ingenious products. Rural youth people lack contact with successful entrepreneurs and support networks. PHD Chamber would curate a platform for them to connect with domain experts who would equip youth with the skills and experience to operate their own enterprises successfully. On the sidelines, pitch session by rural Start-ups for funding would also be organized.

rural entrepreneurship innovation convention patiala 2018

About The Event

Innovation is the driver of growth in the rural and urban economy as it amplifies economic activity, employment generation and improves quality of life. India's rural innovators are capable of extraordinary inventions. Despite constraints, many of them have succeeded in creating indigenous products with frugal resources. About 70% of the population resides in rural areas, the scope of innovations in a farm as well as non‐farm activities in is huge and can act as an engine of growth for the rural economy. With increased penetration of smartphones and cost internet services, rural business has immense potential.

The government of India is going to launch AGRI‐UDAAN Food and Agribusiness Accelerator 2.0 programme which will promote innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture. This will boost entrepreneurship and startups among rural youth.

Objectives of the Convention and Exhibition

· To steer Punjab’s villages on to the path of development by empowering rural youth

· Fostering innovative and Entrepreneurship and Skills in Punjab through hand-holding by the experts

· Connecting Youth of Punjab in Agricultural Entrepreneurship through Information

· Communication Technology tools for scaling up their projects

· Networking for Policy, Advocacy, and Agribusiness with Rural Youth

· Fostering entrepreneurial mindset of Punjab’s rural youth by providing information, coaching and mentoring on entrepreneurial activities

· Facilitating the access of rural entrepreneurs and startups to funding/incentives for the start‐up of their entrepreneurial activities

· Mentoring opportunities by the Incubators that are accessible to young entrepreneurs to foster innovation and encourage mobility in sectors with higher profit potential

· Special emphasis to encourage female entrepreneurship in Punjab

rural entrepreneurship innovation convention patiala 2018

Schedule of the Event

10.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. – Registration
11.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. – Inaugural session Inauguration of Exhibition by Hon’ble Chief Minister
1.00 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. – Workshop 1: Schemes of Punjab Government for boosting Innovations/Startups/Entrepreneurship
2.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. – Workshop 2: Schemes of Central Government for boosting Innovations/Startups/Entrepreneurship and for Skill Development
3.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m. – Workshop 3: Sustainable Agro-innovations and Food Technologies

10.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. – Registration
11.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. – Workshop 4: Success stories /Role Models for Scalable, Frugal and Replicable Innovative Models
1.00 p.m. – 3.00 p.m. – Workshop 5: Schemes for Financing Entrepreneurship/ Innovations/ Startups &  Pitch Session on Conclusion of the Bootcamp
2.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. – Workshop 2: Schemes of Central Government for boosting Innovations/Startups/Entrepreneurship and for Skill Development
3.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m. –  Valedictory Session (Hon’ble Minister of Ind./Education)

Boot Camp Agenda 

8:00 am Registration Arrival at the venue and Checking in. Slot picking. Set your gears. 
9:00 am Tea & Networking Ice breaking session. Eat food, share ideas, get to know fellow participants. 
10:00 am Welcome note Review agenda for the boot camp and introduce speakers and mentors. 
10:15 am (This time is dedicated to the flagship talk by a famous entrepreneur) Session 1- Entrepreneurship 101 (30 mins) Introduction to Entrepreneurship. Who is an Entrepreneur? How to build a business around an idea? 
10:45 am (This hour is dedicated to practical knowledge by a startup founder.) Session 2- Case Study on a startup. (12 min*5 topics) How to come up with an idea? How to build the right team and divide the tasks? How to validate the idea? How to build a company around that idea? 
11:45 pm (This time is dedicated to 20 minutes for Pitching basics and 20 minutes for Funding basics) How to create a pitch deck? How to pitch? Funding mechanics? How does it work? 
12:30 pm Lunch and Networking. 
1:30 pm Settle in your space, Divide the work and Start working on the idea. No breaks. No Disturbance. 
8:30 pm Dinner 
9:00 pm (30 minutes dedicated to) Group discussion and progress discussion by mentors. Call the day for relaxing. However, if a team wants to work then they can continue till the institute allows. 

9:00 am Breakfast. Arrive, Breakfast & Tea/coffee. Discussion on today’s work. 
9:30 am Gear setup. Work begins. 
12:30 pm Lunch 
1:30 pm Check-in, Continue working. 
4:00 pm (This time is dedicated for one team member to come and discuss the progress made so far.) Progress report on the idea. 
4:30 pm Submit Pitch Deck for shortlisting. 
5:00 pm (Ideally 3 min for Pitching and 2 minutes for cross-questioning) Pitching and demonstration.
 7:30 pm Certification distribution and vote of thanks.

Date: 10th  and 11th April 2018
Venue: Government Mohindra College, Patiala, Punjab


Government Mohindra College Patiala


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