
TEDx UBSPU: Change Is The Only Constant

Gradient Rectangle Mar
  • Starts On 09:00 AM
  • Panjab University, Sector-14 , Chandigarh
  • Event Organiser (,) TEDx

About the event

TEDx UBSPU is an independent TED conference being organized by the students of the University Business School, Panjab University. The event is being held on the 23rd of March 2019 in P.L. Anand Auditorium. The theme for the event is "change is the only constant".

Terms and Conditions :

  1. The audience members shall not leave the premises during the talks.
  2. No Food or beverages are allowed on the premises.
  3. Mobile phones are required to be switched off during the event.
  4. Photography is strictly prohibited in the event premises.
  5. The audience is required to maintain decorum in the event.

About TED

TEDx events are local independently organized TED talks where live speakers come forward and share their ideas and experiences. These events are branded as TEDx where x stands for an independently organized TED Conference.


TEDxUBSPU is the independent TED conference being organized by the students of the University Business School, Panjab University. It is the first ever TEDXUBSPU and the theme for the talks would be “change is the only constant.”

Department of Commerce and Business Management was rechristened in the year 1995 to University Business School. UBS is one of the top Business schools in the country and has been imparting quality management education past five decades.

T: Technology is an amalgamation of art and science, used in parallel with various techniques, skills, and methods for production of goods and services.

E: Entertainment is a skill that fills our lives with gaiety. It plays an important role in bonding people together while providing them amusement and distraction from the real world.

D: Design is the formation of a plan or specification for building an object. A good design is imaginative and helps satisfy the functional and aesthetical perspectives of an activity or process.


Panjab University


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