
The Indian School Awards- Deeds And Heeds Rewarded

Gradient Rectangle Nov
  • Starts On 09:00 AM
  • Shoutlo, Sector 5 MDC , Panchkula

About the event

This year marks the spectacular journey of Chandigarh wherein the city beautiful completes 51 glorious years of its foundation. November 1st is celebrated as Chandigarh Establishment Day and to commemorate this milestone, a five-day long festival will be celebrated. 

the indian school awards 2017

 A city isn’t built in a day and neither does the humanity. The human race strives to exist and the only components that help it to thrive are love and compassion. 

the indian school awards 2017

Moral values are embedded only when love and compassion exits. The schools that nurture the young generation play a large part and bring forth a responsible society. Thereby, ISA has taken this initiative to reward for their deeds and heeds. 

The Indian School Awards 

The Indian School Awards aims to felicitate the schools of North India that have given their best shot and contributed in changing and shaping the society for better.

Under the banner of Chandigarh Establishment Week, the award ceremony will help boost the morale of the schools and encourage them to work harder and stronger. 

the indian school awards 2017

The Indian School Awards has confidence in the schools and regarded them as the epitome of morale building. The motive behind this ceremonial gesture is to appreciate the slightest and minutest efforts of schools in enriching the future souls.

The Schedule 

The award ceremony is further divided into four sessions.They are as follows- 

Session 1- The commencement and lamp lighting ceremony 

Session 2- Speaker’s session on Advantages of Hands-on Practice, education-oriented subject matter and Technology replacing Teachers. 

Session 3- The Panel discussion on "Influence of Western World on Indian Education System?" wherein the speakers and their receptive minds will enlighten us. 

Session 4- The Awards Distribution Ceremony to the nominated schools by the eminent personality of India- Ms. Meira Kumar

Nominate yourself 

The categories for which the school can nominate themselves fall under these- 

- Infrastructure 
- Management 
- Environment Friendly 
- Social Activity 
- Efforts regarding underprivileged children 
- Out of the ordinary work in academics and strategic planning 

Speaker for the event 

the indian school awards 2017

Receiving the award from none other than Ms. Meira Kumar is an honor in itself. The first-ever woman to serve as a Speaker of Lok Sabha will be Chief Guest of the event. 

Event details 

Date- 10th November 2017 

Venue- Ramada Plaza, Ambala Chandigarh Highway

Contact details 

For Event information, contact ISA 

Phone No.: 9216109980, Email id: 

For Awards nomination, Contact Shikha Dhillon 

Phone No.: 9569441580, Email id:

For Speaker nomination, contact Akshay Ahuja 

Phone No.: 8591118111, Email id:

For Partners, contact Devyansh 

Phone No.: 7006427386. Email id:

the indian school awards 2017
Nothing holds much importance as much as Schools effort in shaping the Indian society!



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