• B'Witch salon

    • Location New Saket, New Delhi
    • Time New Open from 10:00 AM to 08:00 PM
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About B'Witch salon

B'Witch salon offers top-notch salon services for your hair, skin, face, nails and complete body. It has Customized beauty solutions for all the clients keeping in mind their mood and lifestyle. Get yourself pampered all seven days a week. The staff consists of expert hairstylists and beauticians who are trained to care for and comfort you during your pampering sessions. Providing top-quality hygienic services is their aim so that the customers are thrilled with their decision of choosing this Salon. 

Map & Directions

Kh. No. 268 Parking Yard, Champa Gali, Lane No.3, Westend Marg, Saket, Said Ul Ajaib, New Delhi
Saket,New Delhi

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